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For Bloggers
2019-04-22 18:46:29
(Writing/Publishing/Blogging: blog, lead blog, advertise blog, betarill)
Start lead blogs on BetaRill to earn money and share interesting info! Learn below! 1. Read the blog (it will explain next: 1) how to start a blog if you never had one before (and even if you don't know a topic what to lead a blog about!); 2) how to advertise your external blog (not created on BR), and inner one: 3) how to advertise resumes, business (trademark, goods, services), social media accounts; 4) and more! 2. Fill your User Profile out maximum to present yourself as a blogger: 1) User Profile page => Act for Profile button => Edit Profile; OR 2) User Home page => Account => Settings (left column) => Edit User Profile (right column); 3. Specify your PayPal Account (this is necessary if you want to get profit by your blogs and their posts using BRAds (BetaRill Ads), that is, if ads of other users are placed on your blog/its posts);
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For Housewives
2018-08-05 15:02:58
(Others: housewife)
1. Start to sell your used Goods that you don't use anymore; 2. Buy Goods from other users; 3. Start to lead a Blog , a Photo Album, a Group and Make Money with them! 4. Join groups by your interests, and discuss! |
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For Unemployed or Retired
2018-08-02 12:41:41
(Recruiting/HR: unemployed, retired)
If you are Unemployed or Retired, you can choose a variant of your actions by next ways: 1. Find a Job; 2. Start to provide any Services; 3. Start to sell any Goods OR/AND 4. Start to lead a Blog , a Photo Album, a Group and Make Money with them! |
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For Marketers
2018-08-02 10:55:35
(Marketing/Advertising: marketer)
1. Read Attract Customers blog; 2. Become BetaRill Affiliate, after this you will be joined to a special group where you will get useful methods how to attract your referrals, and meanwhile the knowlede will help you to learn new marketing ways.
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For Freelancers
2018-07-31 15:52:34
(Management: freelancer, business, management)
On your User Profile present next: 1. Services (if you provide any services); 2. Goods (if you sell goods, Use Shop Manager); Get Customers for your Freelance business: 1. Attract Customers (read the blog); 2. BetaRill Busines School (join the school to learn new methods of business management and advertising); 3. Ready Advertising Solutions (learn ready solutions to promote your freelance) Meet New People: 1. Use Recruiting Tools (if you are looking for employees). 2. Use Partner Tools (if you want to find partners and to expand your business this way). 3. Use other Tools to make Connections.
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Start of Work on BetaRill
2018-07-31 11:03:43
(Websites: betarill, manual, usage)
1. Fill your User Profile out maximum: 1) User Home page => Account => Settings (left column) => Edit User Profile (right column), OR 2) User Profile page => Act for Profile button => Edit Profile; 2. Specify your PayPal Account (this is necessary to get profits by BetaRill Profits System or Sale of your goods); 3. Figure out who you are(a businesman, an employee, a housewife and etc), or what activity what you'd want to do on BetaRill (finding partners/friends, advertising, business magagement and etc), and from the point do next steps: 1) a Blogger; 2) a Photographer (or you love to share any images/pictures, in general); 3) a Freelancer; 5) a Marketer (or who just is interested in Marketing/Advertisng and want get innovative methods in the area him/herself, additonally); 6) a Hired worker or Looking for a job; 7) an Unemployed or/and Retired person; 8) a Housewife Note: if you have some ideas about other user types, please comment below! |
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For Business Owners/Managers
2017-06-23 15:07:04
(Management: business, management, betarill)
2. Create Your Business Project Page (if you have one). 3. Present Goods on your Company or Business Project (Brand) page (if your company has goods for sale; learn how to open an online store on BetaRill). 4. Create Service Offers (if your company provides any services). 5. Use Recruiting Tools (if you are looking for employees). 6. Use Partner Tools (if you want to find partners and to expand your business this way). 7. Use other Tools to make Connections. 8. Use Marketing Tools (to promote your business).
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Find a Job: how to do this?
2017-05-14 19:29:44
(Recruiting/HR: job)
1. Fill your Resume out on your User Profile (your User Profile => More tab => Resume) 2. Create a Job Application demand offer (look, how to create Job Application Demand offer) 3. Job Search. * Read Job System blog (from BetaRill Team)
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