1. Use User Search 2. Use Partner Search or Create a Partnership offer (if you are looking for partners: 1. Business Partner; 2. Life Partner; 3. Friend Partnership; 4. Affiliate Partnership) 3.Use Job Application demand search or Create a Job offer (if you are looking for employees) 4. Use Job Search or Create a Job Application demand offer (if you are looking an employer/job) 5. Create a People Demand offer (if you are looking for a person who you lost already a long time ago but you want to find him/her, still again. It can be an old frind, for example) 6. Create a Customer demand offer (if you are looking for customers for your goods or services) 7. Create a Goods Demand offer (If you are looking for goods sellers) 8. Create a Service Demand offer (if you are looking for service providers) 9. Create a Company Demand offer (if you are looking for a company/organization)
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