You need to fulfill some conditons on Benefits Rates page (Partner Benefits tab)) to get one or another BR Partner type/subtype. On Benefits Rates page (Partner Benefits tab) you can to find all rates of different benefits which you receive getting one or another BR Partner type/subtype. Note 1: Partner types are provided in the end of a month (but necessary conditons should be fulfilled by you)). Note 2: Each BR Partner type lasts 1 entire month from getting it. Example: if you got the Partner type during July of 2019 year, so it's active within of August of 2019. If in the August you fulfill the contions to get it again, so you get it for September and use its benefits, if you don't f1ulfill, so you don't get it. Note 3: You need to contact us and give the information what actions you made namely, after checking of the provided information by you, you will get one or different (or a few partner types once) and its benefits for next month. |
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