Prohibited goods and information
- drugs, bioactive supplements and medical equipment (as syringes, needles, scalpels), Botox, contact lenses and liquid for their storage
- stolen property
- state awards
- fake banknotes and fake signs of postal payment
- stocks and other securities
- spam databases, goods and services that may contribute to unauthorized mailings
- databases containing personal data
- materials containing state, banking or commercial secret
- military awards
- items sale violates copyright and/or neighboring rights of third parties, trademarks or patents
- materials, violating the secrecy of private life, violating the honor, dignity and business reputation of citizens and legal entities
- electronic cigarette
- any weapons and accessories - sights, shells, rifle butts, knives, etc.
- fishing nets, electrofishing
- items and services not intended for minors/underage
- subjects related to law enforcement
- exotic animals, as well as parts and organs of animals
- parts and organs of human beings
- tobacco products
- alcoholic beverages
- food, except perishables in the original packaging which complies with state quality standards for retail sale
- skins and products made of skins of rare and endangered species of animals
- fur
- means color copying
- encryption tools and secure the technical means of storing, processing and transmitting information